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Commitment To Cure Cancer

Our endeavours will prime the establishment of biotechnology and commercialisation expertise in Hong Kong. 
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At COI, our mission is to bring hope to millions of cancer patients around the world, by using cutting-edge science and technology to identify novel druggable therapeutic targets that will dramatically improve people's lives. 


About COI

COI brings together globally-renowned researchers with multidisciplinary expertise in oncology research. The mission of our Centre is to develop therapeutics that can improve cancer patient outcomes.

People and Culture

The expertise of our staff are at the heart of our success. We strive to recognize the dedication & creativity of our researchers and to promote individual growth.


Recent News

Congratulations to Prof. Carmen Wong, one of our principal scientists, who has been awarded the prestigious National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Distinguished Young Scholars Fund for 2024.


COI is one of the HKU research laboratories that has been admitted to InnoHK Research Cluster, a major initiative of the HKSAR Government to develop Hong Kong as the hub for global research collaboration.

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